Management Services

Highly Professional and Trustful Management Services in Diani Beach, Kenya

We know what it is like not being around and worrying about your valuable piece of real estate in Diani Beach, Kenya upon your absence. Sandlovers offers highest professional and trustful management services for your property or development in Diani Beach. This can be either on a daily basis or for the weeks you are away from your paradise at the coast. We call it ad-hoc-services and property day-care.

We are offering day-care for your luxury villa on an ad-hoc basis. We provide you with the desired level of comfort when you are not around. We report back to you while you travel and/or renting out your luxury villa in Diani Beach. So you know what is going on.

If you require a real estate representative in Diani Beach for a short or longer period of time – reach out to us and rely on our honest property services. These enable you to return to your paradise villa in Diani Beach without any worries. Even if you only need one single stop-by on a particular day at your luxury home, call us – Sandlovers is addicted to real estate and loves happy homeowners in Diani Beach.

With our extensive development expertise we are delighted to connect you with construction companies of highest integrity. We only recommend companies we have built with ourselves and who derserve our referral. Sandlovers will monitor all building activities on your plot in Diani Beach on your behalf. This ensures highest international quality standards and absolut fair local prices.

We know the Diani Beach real estate market – we know the contractors – we know the reasonable prices. Sandlovers is your local trusted property partner for all your real estate activities in Diani Beach, Kenya. We aim to be your business friend at the south coast rather than just another service provider.

We take it personal as we do care for your needs – we are not satisfied with our provided real estate services in Diani Beach until you are happy. Diani Beach is an esteemed piece of paradise and too valuable to be unhappy over property sorrows.

Sandlovers Diani Real Estate Ltd.
P.O. Box 5041
80401 Diani, Kenya